Breast Infection

A breast infection, also known as mastitis, is an infection that happens inside the breast tissue. Breast infections are most common among women who breastfeed when bacteria enter and invade the breast from a baby's mouth. This is also called mastitis in lactation. In women who are not breastfeeding, mastitis also occurs, but this is not as severe. Infection usually affects the breast's fatty tissue and causes swelling, lumps and pain. Although most infections are due to breastfeeding, rare forms of breast cancer are associated with a small percentage of breast infections. Symptoms of breast infection: Symptoms of a breast infection may start suddenly and may include: Swelling, one breast becoming larger than the other Pain Fever, chill Nipple discharge containing pus Breast is warm A painful lump in your breast Redness of the skin in a wedge-shaped pattern Before you notice any changes in your breasts you can experience ...