Are you a good candidate for plastic surgery?

If we think about a plastic surgery operation before and after, it's easy to limit the conversation to what you can expect for post-operative rehabilitation, or even just how your physical appearance can change itself.

What makes a good candidate ahead of your plastic surgery procedure?

Perhaps the most important thing you have to understand is the desire for cosmetic surgery and physical well-being should not come from a place of envy, or even self-doubt. This must be your own judgment and your own sense of fulfillment. Bad plastic surgery candidates may:
  • Have unrealistic expectations from a physical perspective on the results of the procedure. An operation can make you look younger and more natural, but it won't make you your favorite supermodel's visual clone.
  • For medical reasons, be disqualified. There is some degree of risk in all surgical procedures. These risks may be too high to overlook for those with medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, or a history of smoking.

So, what's a good candidate doing? Many of our patients come to us because in their presentation they have one or two defects that they want to change. Perhaps you have a birth defect, such as a cleft palate, that you would like to repair. You may have been in an accident and want to improve scarring or burning appearance.

Perhaps the circles under your eyes will make you look exhausted to others all the time, even if you feel energetic. The crucial bit hit here is that these surgical candidates want to reflect the way they feel inside the way they look outside. It's not about becoming another person, but about enhancing and emphasizing the natural beauty you already have, inside and out.

A cosmetic procedure to reinforce a particular flaw or to help you look a little younger not only strengthens your own inner vibration, but also allows you to go out and show it to the world with confidence! Good candidates are the following:

In good physical health in general. You may have a sagging lip, or you may not be completely happy with how your breasts look, but with exercise, diet, avoiding cigarettes, etc., you can take care of yourself.

·        Considering surgery risks and raising realistic expectations about the results.

After your plastic surgery

Probably the best part of being a plastic surgeon will be able to see and hear about the amazing positive changes that can be brought about in the life of someone. Also, we don't just talk about looking younger or younger, or changing a head, body, breasts, or tummy's physical appearance.

Of course, the actual benefits that you receive will be special to you, not only dependent on the procedure performed, but also on your own personal reasons for getting the surgery, your expectations, and emotions. Nonetheless, some of our patients ' most common benefits include:

  • Better health of the body. The physical health benefits are apparent for some procedures. If you can hold it off, the weight loss caused by liposuction can help to keep you more healthy and reduce your risk of health problems related to obesity. A breast reduction  can relieve back pain and headaches or even improve performance in athletics. A nose surgery can reduce obstructions to breathe. But recognizing that there can be a psychosomatic reaction is also relevant. Better mental health can enhance physical health.
  • Increased opportunities for professional and social work. If you are trustingly carrying yourself, doors will open that were not open before. In both personal and professional settings, your natural beauty, energy, and vitality become more evident to the people around you.
  • Improved outlook and confidence in yourself. Often, a positive self-image of one's own body makes it easy for people to put out there, try new things, and carry on with increased self-assurance.

A plastic surgery operation can be an important step on the path to improved health, enhanced happiness, and personal satisfaction for some people. t’s not for everyone, but for those who are ready and want it for the right reasons, the transformation can be life-changing and affirming. To schedule your consultation with Dr. Priyadarshan K please give us a call today at 9844070904

Dr. Priyadarshan K. is among the most respected and experienced plastic surgeons in Bangalore. Born in Karnataka, he did his bachelor degree in medicine from Bangalore in the year 1984. He has won several credits and distinctions during his undergraduate study. Carrying this further he did his Masters-MS in Gen Surgery from Delhi University and later Plastic Surgery at “ DNB from national board New Delhi"


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